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  • Harry Milne

VMG (velocity made good) STRATEGY PERFORMANCE Overview

Updated: Jul 1, 2021

2021 opened opportunities to add to tech including the semiconductors.

2020 was a rare opportunity to buy Hotel REIT bonds.

Up +300% April 2020 to April 30, 2021

2020 proved to be a year full of unexpected hurdles in the economic conditions. VMG has had to adapt to all of those and pull through financial success.

Below are our metrics as compared to the HFR Absolute Return Index.

Our Focus Fund Strategy

+10.48% Gross Return 2021 YTD June 30, 2021

+48% March '20 to June '21 Exceptional opportunities, WE acted, Accomplished Exceptional RISK Management

+13.3% Gross Return 2020

the strategy

outperformed Berkshire Hathaway Cl A fund by +547 bp YTD January 29, 2021

For example, in ’05, ’06, ’08, ’09, ’10, ’11, ’12, ’13, ’14, ’20, our Focus Fund Strategy was focused, liquid, hedged, and growth-oriented with controlled risk:

consider HFR Absolute Return Index +4.4% YTD December 27, 2019

vs Focus Fund Strategy Return Gross +11.8% YTD December 31, 2019

Focus Fund outperformed HFR Absolute Return Index since Inception 3/31/09

143 MONTHS in historic, difficult investment periods

Now, looking back: in March ‘09-Dec ‘20, our Focus Fund Strategy yielded a return of far exceeding the HFR Absolute Return Index. Both strive for attractive absolute returns with controlled risk. VMG launched in March of 2009 when we told clients march could be the best equity opportunity in a generation.

Upon an extensive analysis of 1929 conditions, we concluded that 2008 was quite different. Recovery could be very rapid. That day, we deployed all USD Cash, held since early ’08. We launched on March 31, 2009. VMG is always ready to act when we see opportunity.

Fast forward to another economic decline. In February 2019, our research concluded that it would benefit clients to increase risk control now, global equities are too expensive.

In November 2019, we reached fully invested. We continued to overweight tech by buying Boeing too early, stopped out, current weighted avg cost $132.99 per share as of June 3, 2020. We expected a 5-year hold horizon.

In April 2020, our research concluded the depression risk has passed. More aggressive adds included Airlines. VMG added Atlas at $25.45 a share and Barclays ADRS at $4.29 a share. We favor continued overweight tech, underweight emerging markets, and now reduced bonds. We added certain REITS including the Retail Mall operator Macerich, and began adding in April at $6.76 a share (it closed June 3, 2020 at $11.16 a share).

In June 2020, we were concerned the market outpaced reality, just as we expect in all V shape recoveries like 2009. We protected gains early and finished the year at +13.3%

In the 2nd half of 2020, we continued to protect the portfolio, expecting significant volatility win Q4. Cash levels through to February were significant.

Back to stock picking for February, favoring energy and tech. We hope to soon see further buying opportunities in equities and especially real-estate bonds as we did in April (now up +300% April 28, 2020 to March 24, 2021)

VMG has been working to constantly adapt to the market in the wake of COVID-19. We are constantly updating our public metrics on our website, and alway glad to discuss. 203-722-6973

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